About Us

About Our Domestica Store

We believe that every project existing in fresh green fodder world is a result of an idea and every idea has a cause.

For this reason, our every design serves an idea. Our strength in design is reflected by our name, our care for details. Our specialist won't be afraid to go extra miles just to approach near perfection. We don't require everything to be perfect, but we need them to be perfectly cared for. That's a reason why we are willing to give contributions at best. Not a single detail is missed out under Domestica's professional eyes. The amount of dedication and effort equals to the level of passion and determination. Get better, together as one.

Functionality meets perfection

  • Hydroponic Fodder: Weat, Maize, Soybean which produce 60,000 Kg/year
  • Grass Plantation: Lucerne, Chloris, Brachialia, Cratylia, and Desmodium which produce 205,000 Kg/year
  • Goat Feedlot: Boer Cross, Galla goats and local breeds which produce 540 goats/year
Hydroponic Farming
Grass Plantations
Goat Feedlot Farming

Meet Our Leaders

Domestica's Team

Ms. Veronica

Web Designer

Marie Grace Niwemuhoza

CEO Founder

Deogratias Ndagijimana

Chief Operating Officer

Rosine Bazongere

Sales & Marketing Director